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Top US MCSG Clans.

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District 13
Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
Whatever this is my list, gonna get the hateanya, but fck it.

1.) Forgotten - best
2.) Rebels/ProdII - Rebels IMO have lost so many key players to how this clan was once ran. So I think this clan is seriously overrated. Neverless I feel as if now, they have earned it back due to the fact that they have gained some old players back such as Mikey, Sage, Kidz, Fuzzy, and Butter(In edition of picking up people like Status and Tyler.). And once Trivium and titans are done, this clan will most likely get there older players back. ProdII- How the community looks at Prod amazes me. I mean people call us cocky for no reason, and we get maybe only 25% of the credit this clan deserves. We very little get recognition for being the victors of cw2. When all clans take it seriously, when every clans goal is to win. I find it funny when how the community reacted to Prod when we won it, but then again who gives a shet. But I would rate this clan a tad bit lower than Rebels. I feel as if this clan changes instantly when it comes to serious fights.
3.) Rivals - Whatever, dont really pay to much attention to this clan.
4.) Vangaurd - This clan is great and bad at the same time..(PvP). I think the leadership is what is lacking. - No offense.
5.) Trivium - Has some old Rebels that goodanya.
6.) Titans - Overrated, only putting them here because of the members they have ATM. but that doesn't mean there good. Ex: Sector Six, was crazily overrated.
7.) Forsaken - ^ Same as above, but less overrated. TBH, this clan is a joke to me. The lack of leadership is unreal. I don't see why people put this clan up high. - Sounds harsh huh? Just keep in mind, this clan brought like 10 people onto my ts to say they took a member of mine, so ya, thats why I don't have any respect for this clan.
ps: wrote this shet fasst.


District 13
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
Whatever this is my list, gonna get the hateanya, but fck it.

1.) Forgotten - best
2.) Rebels/ProdII - Rebels IMO have lost so many key players to how this clan was once ran. So I think this clan is seriously overrated. Neverless I feel as if now, they have earned it back due to the fact that they have gained some old players back such as Mikey, Sage, Kidz, Fuzzy, and Butter(In edition of picking up people like Status and Tyler.). And once Trivium and titans are done, this clan will most likely get there older players back. ProdII- How the community looks at Prod amazes me. I mean people call us cocky for no reason, and we get maybe only 25% of the credit this clan deserves. We very little get recognition for being the victors of cw2. When all clans take it seriously, when every clans goal is to win. I find it funny when how the community reacted to Prod when we won it, but then again who gives a shet. But I would rate this clan a tad bit lower than Rebels. I feel as if this clan changes instantly when it comes to serious fights.
3.) Rivals - Whatever, dont really pay to much attention to this clan.
4.) Vangaurd - This clan is great and bad at the same time..(PvP). I think the leadership is what is lacking. - No offense.
5.) Trivium - Has some old Rebels that goodanya.
6.) Titans - Overrated, only putting them here because of the members they have ATM. but that doesn't mean there good. Ex: Sector Six, was crazily overrated.
7.) Forsaken - ^ Same as above, but less overrated. TBH, this clan is a joke to me. The lack of leadership is unreal. I don't see why people put this clan up high. - Sounds harsh huh? Just keep in mind, this clan brought like 10 people onto my ts to say they took a member of mine, so ya, thats why I don't have any respect for this clan.
ps: wrote this shet fasst.
Lol? This was a joke right? There's a reason a lot of people dislike you outside of your clan. You legit said something bad about every clan as you listed them. Your clan is good but the reason no one really lists them is because they either forget because you don't battle good clans outside of clan wars or they don't like you


District 13
Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
1. Forgotten:
2. Rebels:
3. Trivium:
4. Rivals/Prod II:
5. ^
6. Vanguard
7. Titans
8. Forsaken
9. Excel
10. Divinty

Sorry no definitions because I suck at writing those and there always wrong


Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
okie dokie imma do dis shiznit
1/ prodigious cuz dey won clen wars
2/ imagination der thred says ther 2nd best and ther iz no lieing on de intrnt
3/ forsukaen dey hav toxic an he reely gud at pvp
4/ forguotne ppl say der gud
5/ reblsz kewl name an pepl wit lotso wins
6/ trivm mrgres is gud an kraft e iz funy
7/ vangourd they be gud I ges
8/ rivelsd thrr thred iz kewl an der recurdz r gud
9/ pourg dey iz verie matoor liek me
10/ xsell an insedous cuz dey hav good pleyurs


Jul 31, 2013
Reaction score
okie dokie imma do dis shiznit
1/ prodigious cuz dey won clen wars
2/ imagination der thred says ther 2nd best and ther iz no lieing on de intrnt
3/ forsukaen dey hav toxic an he reely gud at pvp
4/ forguotne ppl say der gud
5/ reblsz kewl name an pepl wit lotso wins
6/ trivm mrgres is gud an kraft e iz funy
7/ vangourd they be gud I ges
8/ rivelsd thrr thred iz kewl an der recurdz r gud
9/ pourg dey iz verie matoor liek me
10/ xsell an insedous cuz dey hav good pleyurs
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