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Exodus | US Team

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Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
I still havn't been added.
Currently I'm editing the thread, please be patient!
Minecraft IGN: xLordGod
Age: 13
Donor: None
Wins: 29
Games Played: 106
Skype Username: xLordGod
Microphone: Yes
Pvp Knowledge: Fns Fishing-Rod (Play smart when wanted)
Why should we acc ept you? (Minimum of 3 Sentences, Be Detailed) I know we've had our differences with the clan and that's why I was kicked and I was quite mean to Bacca and Nooby. Though I wasn't the only one at fault i'd like to be the bigger person and take full responsibility for what I did. I realized I was the one in the wrong. I like Exodus and MOST it's members. It's a great clan with great people and pvpers and A GREAT leader.... Parwez. And i'm also sorry to you parwez for creating so much flame on the thread. If I need to appoligise to anyone in the clan I will. If you do accept me nothing like that will happen again.
Your Application was Accepted. Consider this another chance ;)
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:Mendoza510
Wins/Games Played/Ratio:1080/6943 MY ratio inst the best its like 1/7.
How long have you been in #Exodus:
Part 2:
The questions above is basic information that staff need to know. The second part consists of writing a Detailed paragraph stating why you want to join the staff. Keep in mind that, to be a staff member for this clan, you must have been a member for 3-5 weeks. This way we can get to know you guys. In your paragraph, make sure to answer the following questions (detailed).
Question 1: In what ways have you helped this clan out?:I got some of my friends in here like BacccaPlaysmc (bff), David (cueue too bad he left ;-;), MlgMajestic( Mexican Bff), TheSanBlass(Second Mexican bff). :D. They are all active and participate in Clan battles and scrims, inner clan battles.
Mention situations and events!
Question 2: Do you believe that you qualify for a staff member?Yes and No. Im Gonna be honest i fool around alot but if i get accepted i will behave mature. Most of the times i like to joke around. I consider myself foolish at most times but I would Change if i get accepted.
Why?(be descriptive!!!)
Question 3: In what ways would your presence benefit us, give examples: I Like to say im really Active and I'm a decent pvper. When you need I'll be there. I Would try to get scrims and Clan battles. Im On The forums alot because i like to see how well the clan is doing and i would like to stop flame but people beat me to it. xD . Im Reliable alot. You Can Trust me with anything. With outsdie problems as well.
Question 4: How would you describe this clan?I would like to say this clan has become a daily routine of my life.(No Life xD) We are one HUGE family. I love everyone.
Question 5: Who is your favorite member in this clan, and why?:I really don't wanna choose anyone over a other.I don't like the idea of this question to be honest. Everyone in this clan is awesome. Everyone has flaws and benefits. I find everyone funny and nice. Also i like bacon. <3 ONE LAST THING I LOVE EVERYONE NO MATTER WHAT!!! <3
Your Staff Application was Accepted! Congratulations Mendoza510 <3
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